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Plan the Perfect Sunday Session at South Bank

A Sunday well spent brings a week of content, and do we have the perfect Sunday possie for you!

Located at arguably the prettiest locale in Brisbane, River Quay Green, you can enjoy live music every Sunday from 2pm - 5pm, at South Bank's favourite Sunday Social!

Did we mention the epic picnic hampers on offer too? Head along with family and friends to one of the best river front views in Brisbane with a picnic from one of your favourite River Quay Restaurants. Think: gourmet French picnics from Aquitaine, luxe fish and chips from River Quay Fish, and delectable picnic baskets from The Jetty. Hop tip: click on each restaurant name to view the menu.

This live music event in completely free, so all you need to worry about is where to get your lip-smackin’ picnic hamper from and chilling out before the new week begins.

Check out the event guide here for the list of upcoming acts.
